
“She’s also guided me from a complete sedentary life to a far more active one, and most importantly did it gently and with the utmost care for my wellbeing as I got stronger.”

Katie has helped me understand my eating habits and start learning how to overcome old conditioning and patterns around food.  She’s also guided me from a complete sedentary life to a far more active one, and
most importantly did it gently and with the utmost care for my wellbeing as I got stronger. 

Safety is at the forefront when we try new exercises, something very important to me.  With her help I’ve lost 50 pounds, can do things I never thought I would be able to do, and am still on the journey. – Dave, 43, Portland, Oregon

“If you are considering making the choice to reach a happier, healthier, and more confident you, I would highly recommend Katie to help you get there, not only does she know what she is doing as a wellness coach, but she understands the journey that is required because it is one she herself has taken, and luckily for me along the way she made a map.”

I have never written a testimonial, nor would I have ever imagined the first would be for fitness but here I am. I began working with Katie about 3.5 months ago. I did so following surgery and chemo which both left me feeling empty, depressed, and lacking in personal value. I was living in a body that did not feel comfortable, and certainly not one I was proud of. I knew something had to change.  After reading Katie’s story, I felt that she would be understanding of my situation, and I found comfort and courage in her journey.

Before my first session, I was terrified, what if I fail, what if I can’t, what if I look stupid. After signing up, and making my first appointment, I even wondered  what am I doing? Every fiber of my being was screaming to me that I would fail. Week after week, Katie put all my fears to rest as she created unique sessions that reflect where I currently am in my journey, what my goals are, and what obstacles I am facing. She took time to fully evaluate my situation from my current diet, to activities I enjoyed, and even factored in my limitations such as injuries, and even other physical activities I was involved in such as armwrestling and dance. Each of these sessions made the growth I sought achievable.  Katie helped me learn about food and how our body uses it, and she helped me make adjustments in my diet that were not overwhelming, and considered what I was seeking in the food choices I was making, so swaps could be made. I have never once felt deprived of food, or hungry, But I do feel better than I could imagine.

When I began, I had widespread inflammation that resulted in diagnosis of arthritis in the hands, spine, and plantar fasciitis. This prevented me from wanting to move as it was painful and left me stiff for days. However after trying some dietary adjustments suggested and explained by Katie,  I learned that my body was responding to foods I was eating. Once she helped me recognize this and I made the choice to make the changes permanent, I found I was no longer struggling with the debilitating pain, and stiffness that plagued me, I didn’t even need my braces any longer. Along the way, I even changed how I looked at workouts, in fact as I get stronger, and my endurance builds, I even look forward to my sessions. The moves once foreign are coming easier and easier, and in some cases, I feel I have mastered the technique. 

With Katies guidance, I have gone from 225lbs to 189 lbs and a size 22 to a size 12. I am doing this at 40 years old because Katie has shown me that it is never too late to take control of your wellness, and that I have the power to make the changes. Most importantly, She has taught me that  I am not alone in this journey, and I do not need to know how to get there, she will guide me until I do, all I had to do was decide to commit to the decision, and show up.  

If you are considering making the choice to reach a happier, healthier, and more confident you, I would highly recommend Katie to help you get there, not only does she know what she is doing as a wellness coach, but she understands the journey that is required because it is one she herself has taken, and luckily for me along the way she made a map. – Kimberly, 40, Roseburg, Oregon

“Katie has helped me in so many ways in such a short time. I could go on and on about how great she is!”

Katie has worked with me for about 4 months.  Katie has helped me in so many ways in such a short time.  I could go on and on about how great she is! 

I had been dealing with severe anxiety and stress at work.  She has recommended tools to use to combat that anxiety.  I now use those tools when I get to work and they have eased my anxiety. 

She has also been working with me on my eating habits and nutrition by giving me ideas about healthier food alternatives that will sustain me.  She has made me aware of foods that will cause me to feel hungry and want more.  I’m having some difficulty with this piece, but she has been very motivating and she doesn’t judge me when I “slip up”.  This has helped me to not give up and keep trying.  She has also given me ideas on how to get activity in.  I’m so proud of myself when I am able to get the littlest of activity in.  The activity has helped me relieve the anxiety I feel and makes me feel stronger. 

I am looking forward to working with Katie more on my mental and physical health journey!!! – Tracie, 48, Estacada, Oregon